Individual and Family
Support & Coaching
Individual and Family Support & Coaching is the heart and soul of Barb's business. Barb goes above and beyond for each and every client she has the pleasure to meet and support.
Sometimes it takes time to get scheduled here and/or elsewhere. In the meantime, if you are a parent, please consider accessing the parent groups. They are a great way to meet Barb and see if her approach would be a good fit for you and/or her family.
Please note: Barb does not take insurance and is not currently taking any county/K-Plan or brokerage clients at this time.
Use tabs below to learn about different levels of coaching
Parent Mediated Intervention
Parent Mediated Intervention is an evidence based approach to supporting and guiding individuals with autism across ages and abilities. You will receive specific curricula designed to push you and your child forward in manageable, developmentally appropriate, respectfully provided, and a family based manner to ensure balanced growth and development.
Typical Frequency of Support:
50 minute sessions every 2 weeks for 6 months to 1 year
If your child is under the age of 15, I will just see you. If your child is 15 years of age or older, please add additional sessions for your teen also every other week for 30-50 minutes
Who is at the soul of Synergy Autism?
Barbara Avila, M.S. is the family autism and behavioral consultant for Synergy Autism Center. She provides education and guidance for individuals and their families experiencing autism.
Ultimate goals:
For all members of a family, team, organization, or other group to feel seen and heard. To do this, we must be curious and regulated.... so these are commonly first steps in our work together.
Common initial goals with parents of children of all ages:
Parent health and well-being
Couple health and well-being
Setting family/household rules and providing consistency
Understanding behavior as communication and how to replace behaviors
Understanding the basics of autistic processing and how that may relate to yourself or your child(ren)
Understanding joint attention and curiosity (essential for social reciprocity)
How to provide organizational and visual supports in your home
How to speak and engage with your child of any age so that the child feels validated and a sense of personal agency
Guiding your child in leisure, play and/or independence
Tracking and ensuring progress
Advocating for your child in the community and in school/work
Common initial targets for teens and/or adults:
Self awareness and understanding
Relaxing into a co-regulated state of social reciprocity with someone
Calming strategies
Setting and following through with personal goals of employment, career, living more independently, and relationships